Video Gallery

Love & Marriage Andy & Nikki Bray of Family Life NZ


God is first, we are second!Jeff & Cheryl Scruggs
Things of the world couldn’t keep their marriage together, but God brought them back.


How to Pray Together Bob & Audrey Meisner


How do you explain the divorce rate in the USA? Rick Warren


How do you explain the high divorce rate in USA? Kay Warren


How do you make marriage work? Rick Warren


How do you make marriage work? Kay Warren


Sustaining Marriage Love – Piper, Keller, Carson


The Marriage Vows – Will & Kate
Royal Wedding


Community Marriage Policy – Mike McManus
Marriage Savers


Marriage – strong families, strong women, strong children, strong economies, strong nations. Dr Vishal Mangalwadi
This was the secret of Western civilization. Without the Bible we have no way of knowing what sex is, what love is, what marriage is or what family is.